Club Members
We currently have 9 active members, out of a capped active membership of 24. Our process of “recruiting”
new members begins with the introduction and sponsorship of prospective members, by a current member.
There are also 5 Emeritus members, who after long years of active membership, have “retired” from active
member responsibilities, while still joining the activities and events of the Club.
Our Current Members are:
Daryck Brown (President)
Donald Ferrell (Vice President)
Willie Gill (Chaplin)
Jay Ham (Secretary)
Charles O. Hughes (Treasurer)
Al James (Trustee)
T. Rodney O’Neal (Trustee)
Michael Ballard
Larry Leverett
Our Emeritus Members are:
James E. Holley
Dr. David Hyppolite
T. Charles Taylor
Gary Watson, Sr.
Roland Wyatt
We mourn the passing of two stalwart Emeritus members in 2016. Preston Moore joined the Club in June 2000. Dr. Clifford Green, who joined the Club in June 2000 and is the son of one of our Charter members, Lawrence Green.